How to Transform your GRC Processes 

If you are just starting on your GRC Transformation journey, here are a few tips we have learned along the way. 

  1. Figure out your case for change or project objective. Where are you going? And why are you going there? Any transformation initiative will cost time and money, and once you are on that train, you are unlikely to stop or turn back. So, make sure that your target benefits are identified before you kick off. 
  1. Assess the current state, or the As Is. What systems and processes are being used right now? Why are things being done that way? Understanding what happens today will avoid you from repeating mistakes or building in redundant steps in the future. Don’t be tempted to skip this step, because “everything needs to change.” This is where you can figure out your organisation’s true value add or competitive advantages.  
  1. Research, benchmark, window shop. The purists among you will be thinking she’s skipped “Map the To Be.” How do you know where you want to go and what you want if you have no idea what’s out there? If you are shopping technology, read the Gartner, Forrester reviews.  
  1. Ok, now you can design the To Be. Take your time and have those workshops – but go in with an open mind, with a willingness to explore possibilities. Ask your end users and business stakeholders what they need and want out of a GRC system – automated reminders, easy to create, and maybe some automated dashboards.  A good Business Analyst will document your new processes and your requirements.